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Alison and Joao Correia Deepest Sympathy April 4, 2011

Marie, Rebecca, Stephen and Mark, our deepest sympathy on the loss of your wonderful husband and Dad - Peter. Peter was a true friend and a gentleman and we will dearly miss him here in Pinheiros.

Brendan & Ger Farrell In sadness March 18, 2011
Our thoughts are with Marie and family at this time. Peter will be missed by many, including his fellow members at Druids Glen.
mick williams (SGRS) Not forgotten March 16, 2011
A long time business colleague and someone I could be proud to call a friend - my thoughts are with you all at this sad time.
Nieve Nolan With Deepest Sympathy March 14, 2011

Marie, Rebecca, Stephen and Mark deepest sympathy for the great loss of a brilliant dad and husband, i have only fond memories of Peter he will be sadly missed. You all will be in my thoughts. from Nieve (White), Anthony and Isabelle Nolan.

bpsl bpsl Deepest Sympathy March 14, 2011
Depest Sympathy to Marie, Rebecca, Stephen and Mark on this very great loss from all the staff of BPSL
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